RFC Amber accessible to public users in CIP

Successful roll-out of Customer Information Platform (CIP) to a new Rail Freight Corridor (RFC)

RFC Amber accessible to public users in CIP


Cooperation between RNE and the Rail Freight Corridors (RFCs) is once again proving fruitful. The Customer Information Platform (CIP) has been successfully rolled-out to the RFC Amber (RFC 11). The information concerning this new RFC is now available in the CIP productive environment powered by RNE under https://cip-online.rne.eu.


With this, the CIP displays information on railway infrastructure in 24 European countries covering the network of 9 out of 11 RFCs: Rhine-Alpine (RFC 1), North Sea-Mediterranean (RFC 2), Scandinavian-Mediterranean (RFC 3), Atlantic (RFC 4), Baltic-Adriatic (RFC 5), Mediterranean (RFC 6), Orient-East Med (RFC 7), North Sea-Baltic (RFC 8) and Amber (RFC 11). The remaining RFCs are scheduled to implement CIP by the end of 2020.