Please find below the linguistic measures put in place on the Franco-German border sections
As you know, the language used for operational traffic management is French. This principle is addressed in section 6.2 of the National Rail Network Statement 2022.
Until now, out of the 8 Franco-German border sections, it was customary for German to be tolerated as the language of communication. As requested by railway undertakings and having carefully examined the issue and its consequences for all parties, SNCF Réseau confirms the extension of linguistic tolerance up to the 1st day of the annual service 2023 (in December 2022).
During this time, concerned parties will engage in a dialogue that will aim at finding a sustainable solution and t defining the conditions by which it can be financially supported, in compliance with existing regulations.
1. on 7 border sections (Sarreguemines - Hanweiler Bad Rilchingen, Wissembourg - Winden, Lauterbourg - Wörth, Strasbourg - Kehl, Apach - Perl, Forbach - Saarbrücken Hbf, Bantzenheim - Neuenbourg), German will continue to be tolerated; and
2. on the border section (Bouzonville - Hemmersdorf), French is language of communication between traffic agents and drivers;
The corresponding local operating instructions (« CLE ») will be modified accordingly.
We thank you for taking the necessary steps to ensure your drivers have the required level in the language defined for each border section in the coming months