20th Atlantic Corridor TAG-RAG Meeting

March the 3rd – Telco by Teams

20th Atlantic Corridor TAG-RAG Meeting

The 20th TAG-RAG Meeting of the Atlantic Corridor took place by Teams due to the travel restrictions imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic.


On the 03rd of March 2021 the Atlantic Corridor organized the 20th meeting for its Advisory Groups comprising both the Railway Undertakings and the Terminal Mangers of this corridor.


As with the the last Advisory Group (AG), the first Advisory Group (AG) meeting of 2021 was held by MS Teams. Such limitation as due to the travel restrictions imposed by several EU countries on account of the COVID-19 pandemic. Although preventing the usual networking between the MS Teams meeting it enabled a larger number of members to easily attend the meeting.


The meeting started at 14:30 until 17:00 CET and comprehended a presentation from the Corridor Management Board with the following agenda:

  • general information of the Management Board and introduction of the Railway Undertakings spokesperson,
  • reserve capacity 2021 and capacity offer 2022,
  • key performances indicators and satisfaction survey results for 2020,
  • train performance management: punctuality analysis on focus trains via TIS,
  • quality circle operation (QCO) on border points,
  • main results of the Atlantic Corridor Transport Market Study (TMS) by ARTELIA; and
  • studies and actions forecasted at the Atlantic Corridor level on the next EU financing period.


In addition to the MB presentation, this Advisory Group meeting also comprehended a presentation from the consultant responsible for developing the new Transport Market Study (TMS) for the RFC Atlantic (ARTELIA) and another presentation from the RAG speaker about the present concerns of the Railway Undertakings regarding the Atlantic Corridor activities and planning.


Finally, we would like to thank all who attended the event promoted by the Atlantic Corridor and provide you with the relevant information presented at the meeting please.


Please click to download the concerning presentations: