• How is the priority rule affected by joining or leaving the Corridor with feeder and outflow paths at any point along the Corridor?

    If you ask for joining / leaving the corridor in the middle of a PaP-section only fully used PaP-sections will be considered for the priority calculation in the first step and the partially used PaP section will be considered as feeder/outflow path. This principle will also be applied in the case of a Flex-PaP.

  • When will I be informed about the allocation decision?

    The C-OSS provides first information to the applicants on the status of their application at the beginning of May. In case the application has the highest priority, the information concerns the allocation decision in their favor and announces the formal draft path offer which will be given on behalf of the concerned IM/AB by the C-OSS with the draft timetable offer in X-5 via PCS.

  • Do I have to apply again if the pre-arranged path has been allocated to a competing applicant?

    No – your request is in any case valid as on-time request for the network timetable. You will receive an alternative PaP or tailor-made offer by the Corridor OSS if available.
