• What happens if I withdraw/change my path request before accepting the final path offer?

    The withdrawal has to be done in PCS. For the withdrawal of a PaP-Request the national conditions are described in the Network Statements of the individual infrastructure managers. Change requests for pre-arranged path placed by the applicant after the X-8 deadline until X-5 are treated by the Corridor One-Stop-Shop according to the following rule:

    • "Downsizing" changes to the PaP-Request (e. g. cancellation of running days, shortening of route by deleting entire pre-arranged path sections, lower parameters, except in sections with minimum parameter if the downsizing falls below the minimum parameter) which neither affect the international character of the pre-arranged path nor the ranking of the request in the allocation decision according to the priority rule, are handled by the Corridor One-Stop-Shop and documented in the PCS dossier and the path register accordingly. 
    • "Substantial" changes to the PaP-Request affecting the border times and the ranking of the request in the allocation decision according to the priority rule and downsizing below the minimum parameter, are seen as complete cancellations of the PaP-Request. Those change requests are then forwarded to the concerned IM/AB for further treatment as late requests in remaining capacity.